Step by Step Conveyancing Process for buying a house:
We have put the Conveyancing steps for buying a house in Sydney and NSW into 6 steps.Step 1: Read the Contract. What to look out for in the first 3 pages of the Contract.
Step 2: Read the Special Conditions that come with the contract. What do the more common ones mean?
Step 3: Read the Vendor Disclosure Documents, what do they mean? Do you still want to go ahead with the purchase?
Step 4: What to do on the day of Exchange, where to sign on the Contract, how much deposit shall a purchaser pay?
Step 5: As a purchaser, what must be done immediately or not long after the day of Exchange.
Step 6: What must we do about 2 weeks to 2 days before Settlement, how do we work out the Settlement Adjustment Sheet, what happens on Settlement day.
Please read these web pages sequentially, from Step 1 to Step 6. These are essentially all the steps solicitors take in the conveyancing process for buying a house in Sydney and NSW, from the initial receipt of contract to the final settlement day. We hope you enjoy the next few web pages and feel that you learn something from them.
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